Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Hitler had the Jews Obama has anyone who dare disagree with him and the direction he is taking this nation and he will get away with it   because after all no one wants to a raciest.  WAKE UP AMERICA BEFORE IT IS TO LATE if it is not already.


 Hitler has Goebbels Obama has the mainstream news. Their job is to report on things that makes the leader look good. hide anything from the  people that makes  The leaders look bad spoon feed the people the line of the leader .Blame anyone but the leader.Make them think that you only question Obama because he is black.they will believe it because after all he gives them cell phones!!!

#3 parallelHitler had the Gestapo Obama has the Atty. Gen. each in its own way a national a police force who decides who gets prosecuted for crimes and who doesn't . Must be nice to be in Obama's camp !!! Where is our some of these cases playing golf ???

#2 parallel

  Hitler had the SS  Obama  has Black Panthers.  these two organizations Have been guilty of murder,theft,etc. just like the K.K.K. they could care less how many they kill or inger if they can promote their agenda. Can you imagine the reaction of Pres. Obama and his attorney general if a member of the clan stood  outside a polling place as the Panthers did the Atty. Gen.  and the president would because no all over them like flies on SHIT. Which I would EXPECT and support. Why do the Panthers get a pass on the behavior .  Because they're black  ? Or is it because they support Obama's position. Think about this.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

#1 First parallel Hitler had brownshirts they shouted down opposition to Hitler by force if necessary. Obama enjoys the support of the trade unions doing the same thing as a brownshirts shouting there will be blood in the streets because Michigan is now a right to work state. How far we have come in this country when a union or any individual can deny us the right to work if we don't agree with them. And Pres. Obama does not condemn the use of the words blood in the streets.

Hitler and "+"Obama

 I want to make one thing perfectly clear I am not in any way saying that Obama is another Hitler!!!!! I'm simply listing some parallels on how each individual managed to be elected to office. So if any of you race baiters out there happen to trip across this then look at the photograph of Johnny cash and see how much I care. This is all about Hitler prior to 1939 and Obama and his election  4 1/2 years ago and his reelection about six months ago. Any  one having a problem with this comparisons feel free to discuss them with me. warning!!!! Play the race card with me like so many do when a person does not agree with the policies of the Pres. and again I will refer you to Johnny cash.

Monday, April 1, 2013

more on popeye39

I have recently received a voice recognition system from Dragon so bear with me while we get used to each other. The reason I have this is my typing is so slow it takes me forever to type anything aside from my typing speed which is nonexistent my spelling is a whole different world it stinks. I have noticed that on occasion some really weird stuff winds up on my screen I try to catch most of it but being an old fart I sometimes miss it. So if you want to pick what I say apart because of some weird words please go ahead if you can't find fault with my comments in any other way than that's your problem. When I decided to start this my kids and grandkids told me watch out grandpa what you say because they will come after you. That comment by my grandkids and kids is something that I thought I would never hear in this country to where you cannot agree or disagree with people without being or feeling threatened. I am not at all happy with our president or should I say the man who would be King taking us in the direction that were going. So when the future I am going to draw some parallels between Obama and his administration and people like Hitler prior to 1939. And in my parallels I don't think that there's anybody out there that can prove me wrong if they approached this without prejudging. Remember one thing when you read this that your talking with an old fart much like we would talk on my front porch when we talk I don't stop and say? I don't stop and say. Do you now you can follow that last statement as I read it you will have a problem all with our conversation. More to follow.
I was born September 19, 1939 my parents and grandparents were part of our greatest generation. Without their sacrifice in blood and treasure west of the Mississippi would be speaking Japanese and east of the Mississippi would be speaking German. I am not and never will be politically correct and my speaking I usually say what I mean and mean what I say. But I am not so pigheaded that civilize discussions can't change my mind. So to whoever is reading this go no further if you're easily offended.